Katie posts, page 3 of 4.

And After, Kids

Katie and I were married on a beautiful August afternoon. After the wedding a lot of our family and friends jokingly asked how long it would be before we had kids, a question that we would respond to with a good-natured laugh. We're in our late twenties, and while some of our peers have a decent…

  • Category Personal
  • Posted December 31, 2012
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The Wedding

Waiting at the alter

There were plenty of friends who told me that the wedding would be a blur of activity, a sudden glorious rush gone in a blink. They were right.

Katie and her parents did most of the planning for wedding weekend. My involvement was minimal, kept to a small sounding board and infrequent errand…

  • Category Personal
  • Posted December 6, 2012
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Lost in the Herman-Nestoria Swamp

A wide, grassy swath

Sometimes things go wrong. I have been very fortunate over the years considering the number of adventures and idiotic ideas I've had, but sometimes bad things can and do happen. Among the problems that have cropped up during hikes I've had to deal with car problems, injuries, exhaustion, and…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted October 18, 2012
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The House on Roosevelt

Trees tucked around the small front

Moving to Wisconsin from the wilds of the Upper Peninsula was a difficult move. Living in a small duplex on Wheatfield over the last two years with few friends nearby didn't help the transition. It was a nice place for Katie and I to start in but we were anxious to have a more solid footing. We…

  • Category Personal
  • Posted October 5, 2012
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Dakota Farm

Old foundation from the abandoned bridg

Soft, cold rain drizzled down around me. I was attempting to cross Lower Silver River Falls, a waterfall near Skanee, MI that I've visited at least a dozen times (and even proposed to Katie at). The river was higher than normal and the rocks were wet-slick, making a crossing tricky and dangerous.…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted August 30, 2012
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Another New Year

Snap. Where did 2011 go?

Yup, last year was a bit busy. I've barely mentioned this on here, but I now work at DealerFire in Oshkosh. We mostly create custom websites for automotive dealerships, but there's a good mix of digital marketing, social media, and app development mixed up in there too. I'm…

  • Category Personal
  • Posted January 8, 2012
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Jake and Katie are Engaged!

Jake and Katie at Lower Silver Falls

Katie and I met over five years ago at Houghton. We working together for one of Michigan Tech's summer youth programs. After a few months of spending 18+ hours a day with each other we fell in love and started dating in early August (or late July, the dates/definitions were a bit fuzzy back then).…

  • Category Personal
  • Posted August 15, 2011
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Katie and Jake 2010 Move

Living room in our Wheatfield duplex

Katie and I lived with her parents from the summer of 2009. After I lost my job at Michigan Tech they graciously opened up their doors for us until I could get a solid income again. What we hoped would be a several-month period grew to 18 months, since my SparkNET job wasn't enough to afford moving…

  • Category Personal
  • Posted November 11, 2010
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Snowy Drive Down the Peshekee Grade

Straight portion of the old grade

Katie and I woke up at a small Ishpeming motel to find the ground covered in snow. This was more than a little surprising, as it was the second week of May, but the Upper Peninsula likes to misbehave in the late spring. We packed up the car with Logan and headed west on US-41 towards the Peshekee…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted July 23, 2010
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Katie and I at Mulligan

It's no secret - I really like Mulligan Plains. This remote section of Marquette County is off the beaten path and contains many hiking adventures, including waterfalls, cliffs, and lakes. So when Katie and I headed up north on a cool fall day before hunting season I made it a point to take her to…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted December 16, 2009
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Activity Stream

  • Read 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King.
  • Read Elantris (Elantris, #1) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read It by Stephen King.
  • Read Mistborn Trilogy (Mistborn, #1-3) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson.
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