All of Jacob Emerick's posts, page 43 of 57.

Some Thoughts on Best Practices

Best practices can be great for a language like PHP. PHP is almost too easy to work in. Its low barrier of entry and high flexibility allow for many possible solutions to any given issue. Being a programmer, especially a PHP developer, you find that coming up with a fix or writing a new script is…

  • Category Web Development
  • Posted November 6, 2012
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Return to the South Blind 35 Mountain

Dead grass and sand on the Triple A

Sometimes I miss the good spots on a hike. I often head into an area with little more than a topographic map and a rudimentary understanding of the area. Depending on how the hike goes my rough plans can change rapidly to avoid rough sections or check out an interesting side destination, but many…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted October 30, 2012
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Planning for Failure

When developing applications it is easy for programmers to think in terms of successful occurrences. Code is built to expect certain results because the programmer is thinking of how the application should work. Whether the specifications are being outlined or the code itself is being tested before…

  • Category Web Development
  • Posted October 28, 2012
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Little Mountain

Keweenaw Bay opening up to the north

I was only a few months into my waterfall adventures in the summer of 2008 when I learned some distressing news. A dear friend of mine was leaving Houghton for the summer, someone I had hoped to spend a lot of time with and who meant a lot to me. At that time I was searching for some waterfalls in…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted October 25, 2012
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Working with Twitter's 1.1 API via PHP, OAuth

Twitter has been slowly changing up their API over the last few months. When I first set up a cron to pull my Twitter timeline over a year ago I was able to pull a public RSS feed without too much difficulty. If they were over capacity, either just on the API side or with the entire application, my…

  • Category Web Development
  • Posted October 22, 2012
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Lost in the Herman-Nestoria Swamp

A wide, grassy swath

Sometimes things go wrong. I have been very fortunate over the years considering the number of adventures and idiotic ideas I've had, but sometimes bad things can and do happen. Among the problems that have cropped up during hikes I've had to deal with car problems, injuries, exhaustion, and…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted October 18, 2012
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Leaving DealerFire

Looking back at my previous jobs it's interesting to look at both what skills I gained while working there and how they shaped the direction of my career. At Michigan Technological University I learned about databases and priority management. SparkNET taught my about object-orientated programming,…

  • Category Personal
  • Posted October 14, 2012
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Breakfast Roll

Early morning sun over Ives Lake

It was so, so early in the morning. I watched sunrise try to seep over Ives Hill in the east but got impatient and headed downhill before the rays touched my chilly outcropping. There was a long hike in front of me and I didn't want to waste time, especially on a lazy sun. Most of this hike would be…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted October 8, 2012
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The House on Roosevelt

Trees tucked around the small front

Moving to Wisconsin from the wilds of the Upper Peninsula was a difficult move. Living in a small duplex on Wheatfield over the last two years with few friends nearby didn't help the transition. It was a nice place for Katie and I to start in but we were anxious to have a more solid footing. We…

  • Category Personal
  • Posted October 5, 2012
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The Search for No Name Falls

Dull light along the two-track

Dull grey seeped into my tent signalling a long-awaited end to a miserable, sleepless night. I scrambled around in the frigid air, pulling on stiff clothes and grabbing prepared gear in a rush to start moving on a long hike. My campsite was less than ideal even though I had took pains to pick the…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted October 2, 2012
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Activity Stream

  • Read 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King.
  • Read Elantris (Elantris, #1) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read It by Stephen King.
  • Read Mistborn Trilogy (Mistborn, #1-3) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson.
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