All of Jacob Emerick's posts, page 42 of 57.

Don't Focus on the SEO, Focus on the Human User

One of my least favorite phrases to hear while working on a website is 'do it for the SEO'. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a valid factor in website development. If Google and other search engines are having a difficult time crawling and understanding your content than it will be more…

  • Category Web Development
  • Posted December 13, 2012
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Mount Homer and Mountain Lake

South along Mountain Lake

Forbidden land stretched out in front of me. I was within a mile of the Huron Mountain Club property, standing on an unnamed outcropping southeast of Burnt Mountain, looking north along the eastern guardians of Mountain Lake. For years I had been trying to see this huge lake within the Club's…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted December 10, 2012
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The Wedding

Waiting at the alter

There were plenty of friends who told me that the wedding would be a blur of activity, a sudden glorious rush gone in a blink. They were right.

Katie and her parents did most of the planning for wedding weekend. My involvement was minimal, kept to a small sounding board and infrequent errand…

  • Category Personal
  • Posted December 6, 2012
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Fuzzy Date

There is a big difference between human-readable dates and computer-parseable date information. People are much better interpreters of variable inputs while most programs pass around a standardized machine format. Since I'm a PHP guy the two formats I'm used to are MySQL DATETIME and the UNIX…

  • Category Web Development
  • Posted December 1, 2012
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Trying to be a Runner

Running has never been a strong skill of mine. That didn't stop me from trying, though. A combination of lukewarm interest and parental pressure kept me in sports all through middle and high school, which included many years of track & field. I typically competed in the 400 and 100 meter,…

  • Category Personal
  • Posted November 27, 2012
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Trap Hills near Cascade Creek

Hacking trail leading to the ridgeline away from t

The morning air was crisp enough to draw a shiver from me as I searched for a path. I had parked on the end of a forest road east of Old M-64 on a spring morning and wondered if my double shirt and jean jacket would be enough to protect me from the cold. Finding the sign that marked the start of the…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted November 24, 2012
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Lookout Mountain on Section 17

Lake Ives in the north

It was late afternoon as I walked away from my parked car on the Northwestern Road. The air was cool and damp from the morning's rains, keeping the normally pervasive black flies and mosquitoes to a background detail. Several logging roads branch north from the Northwestern Road here before it…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted November 20, 2012
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Treat Cache as a Feature, not a Requirement

There is a lot of buzz around performance optimization on web pages these days. Visitors want sub-second responses when they click on a link. They don't want to wait for a page to load or for redirects to resolve, nor do they want to wait for javascript libraries before they can interact with the…

  • Category Web Development
  • Posted November 16, 2012
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The Hills of Holyoke

Managed forest west of the hills

A bent blue gate marked the beginning of my afternoon hike. I had just drove down the confusing Holyoke Trail, northwest of Marquette, and was itching to get started. Stepping around the game I set off north along the two-track, wondering what this hike would have in store for me. I knew there were…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted November 13, 2012
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Spaghetti Code vs Lasagna Code

In an effort to streamline and homogenize code a number of design patterns and best practices have sprung up in the programming field. One of the ideas that has moved across programming disciplines is the vilification of long strands of meandering logic, or called spaghetti code. For many in the…

  • Category Web Development
  • Posted November 9, 2012
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Activity Stream

  • Read 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King.
  • Read Elantris (Elantris, #1) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read It by Stephen King.
  • Read Mistborn Trilogy (Mistborn, #1-3) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson.
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