Viewing posts about Northwestern Road.

Mount Homer and Mountain Lake

South along Mountain Lake

Forbidden land stretched out in front of me. I was within a mile of the Huron Mountain Club property, standing on an unnamed outcropping southeast of Burnt Mountain, looking north along the eastern guardians of Mountain Lake. For years I had been trying to see this huge lake within the Club's…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted December 10, 2012
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Lookout Mountain on Section 17

Lake Ives in the north

It was late afternoon as I walked away from my parked car on the Northwestern Road. The air was cool and damp from the morning's rains, keeping the normally pervasive black flies and mosquitoes to a background detail. Several logging roads branch north from the Northwestern Road here before it…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted November 20, 2012
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Jacob Meets a Moose

From around a bend in the road a moose awaits

Throughout my hiking adventures I've occasionally bumped into different animals. It's always exciting to meet a pack of wolves, grouse, deer, or even have a thrilling encounter with a mother bear and cub. There are a few other animals that I've been hoping to bump into that are a bit more rare in…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted September 15, 2012
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Snake Creek Hills

Hiding outcroppings in the fall colors

Several years had gone by since I last drove through Dodge City on the Northwestern Road up past the Yellow Dog Plains. Back then I had been hunting for Hogsback Falls, the only named drop on the Salmon Trout River that is not on Huron Mountain Club property. There is a logging road that extends…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted July 30, 2012
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Canyon Lake and Burnt Mountain

Logging south of Burnt Mountain

Time had taken it's toll on the Northwestern Road. Faith, Bryan and I bounced up and down in the Jeep heading east from Big Erick's Road through large potholes and deep ruts. I had driven on this road only a few years ago in my Ford Taurus, but there was no way I would risk a car on it today. We…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted November 16, 2010
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Salmon Trout River

Hogback Falls on East Branch Salmon Trout River

With most of the Salmon Trout River's main branch located in the fabled Huron Mountain Club property, it is hard to visit or enjoy. It has a small watershed and low average water flow, but the location and rugged terrain make this river an amazing and rustic destination for the adventurous

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted July 15, 2009
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Huron Mountain Range

Rocky outcroppings near the Yellow Dog River

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan isn't particularly known for its mountains. While the terrain is more rugged than the Lower Peninsula, there are no vistas that compare to the Rocky or Appalachian Mountain states. However, there is one group of peaks collectively known as the Huron Mountains worth…

  • Category Hiking
  • Posted April 15, 2009
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Activity Stream

  • Read 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King.
  • Read Elantris (Elantris, #1) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read It by Stephen King.
  • Read Mistborn Trilogy (Mistborn, #1-3) by Brandon Sanderson.
  • Read Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson.
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